柳丁,现居上海。青年艺术家、摄影师、艺术教育者。多年以来,用作品探索一种抵达和解的语境与可能性。 多家媒体机构曾为柳丁做过专访,参展经历丰富,曾获2021年 亚太青年杯摄影大赛优秀作品奖;2022年 第五届韩国仁川国际海洋摄影节优秀作品奖。 2022年参展经历:2022年 “THE NEW ARTIST”-Third Edition 伦敦塔桥艺术季,Boomer gallery,【伦敦】;2022年 “Home | Away: Narratives of Dislocation and Estrangement”-MP Birla Millennium Art Gallery ,【伦敦】;2022年 第五届韩国仁川国际海洋摄影节,2022 제5차 한국 인천국제해양사진전 백 명 중국 사진작가의 작품 그룹전,【韩国】;2022年 第八届上海青年艺术博览会摄影作品邀请展,【中国】;2022年 2022 17th MILANO PHOTO FESTIVAL,【意大利】
Liu Ding - walk - Photography -21*29.7cm-2021 introduction; In this closed period, we have witnessed the arrival of spring in our imagination, such as waking up from a dream, a pond with fallen leaves, a forest flowing through a stream, and a tree full of flowers. Everything is as beautiful as a poem. When you look at them carefully, they no longer seem silent, but f